Studies and analytics worldwide have begun to indicate that CBD is becoming bigger than Vitamin C, but what data is there available that any of that may be true?
Let’s explore some key reasons why CBD is the biggest and toughest competitor to Vitamin C.

It’s no secret that the UK CBD industry has experienced massive growth over the last few years. However, the market is now thought to be bigger than both the Vitamin C, and the Vitamin D industries combined.
The most recent study, commissioned by the CMC, found that consumers spend over £300 million per year on CBD products. This is significantly more than the combined value of the Vitamin C and Vitamin D markets. It is estimated that the Vitamin C and D markets raised revenue of £119 million and £145 million, respectively.
The lack of assessment of the CBD industry in the UK has led to underestimating the size of the market. For example, until the publication of these findings, it was widely thought that there were around 250,000 CBD users in the UK. This new evidence estimates that the number of people who have tried CBD could be as high as 6 million.
CBD products (most commonly oils and capsules), are not held to any specific regulations. Instead, the products are held to food, medicines and cosmetics regulations. This is, again, down to the lack of insight into the market, and research into the chemical itself.
It is thought that CBD products have, for a long time, not been considered equal among the food supplements. This treatment of the products, as a passing health fad, leads to their revenue, (and possibly health), potential in the UK, being under-estimated.
A significant ‘take-away’ from these findings, is that UK regulators need to start treating CBD products like a permanent member of the wellness industry. The benefits from doing so could be enormous, both financially and educationally.
Does CBD have more ANTIOXIDANTS than Vitamin C?
The marker of good health is how well our body manages free radicals, which can come from stress and toxins in the environment, including UV rays, pollution, and tobacco smoke. Free radicals are also generated as natural byproducts from our cells’ natural processes. For example, when our immune system fights off viruses and bacteria, it creates a oxidative burst of free radicals in an attempt to kill the invaders and any damaged cells.
The more free radicals roaming about our body on a regular basis, the more damage they can do to our healthy cells and DNA. Free radicals are missing electrons and steal electrons from other cells in order to stabilize themselves in pairs. If free radicals begin to take particles from our DNA, then the body is more vulnerable to a variety of degenerative diseases, including cancer, atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in the arteries), heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzhiemer’s, asthma, diabetes, and degenerative eye disease. This damaging process is called oxidation, akin to what rusts metal or browns fruit.
Antioxidants to the Rescue!
The antidote to free radicals is antioxidants. Antioxidants disable the free radicals’ abilities to steal electrons by donating their own electrons, thus keeping the free radicals away from our healthy cells and DNA particles. In doing so, they break the chain reaction that can eventually lead to degenerative diseases. This process is why antioxidants are an imperative part of protecting our brains and bodies from oxidization.
Our bodies create some antioxidants like alpha lipoic acid and glutathioine. In addition, our diet’s minerals and vitamins are a rich source of antioxidants, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, zinc, copper, and selenium. Cartenoids like lutein from kale are also antixodiants, along with flavinoids from green tea, cocoa, blueberries, apples, and onions.
CBD: A Super Antioxidant Patented by the US Government

The phytochemicals in plants have special antioxidant properties, according to Harvard Medical School. Vitamin C, for example, will donate electrons to a free radical - and then the phytochemical hesperetin (found in citrus fruits) will restore the Vitamin C back to its antioxidant capabilities!
Fascinatingly, in laboratory studies, CBD has been found to be an antioxidant, with even more antioxidant quality than Vitamin C (ascorbate) or Vitamin E (α-tocopherol)! As early as 1998, the National Institute of Mental Health and the National Cancer Institute began discovering that CBD works as an antioxidant and neuroprotectant. Then in 2000, the National Institute of Mental Health performed a follow-up neuronal culture study that found CBD and other cannabinoids were more powerful than Vitamin C and Vitamin E in protecting neurons exposed to hydroperoxide toxicity.
These findings in America would prompt the US Federal Government to file for a patent on cannabinoids - even though cannabis was still illegal at that time in 2003. The patent was entitled, “Cannabinoids as Antioxidants and Neuroprotectants,” and discussed how cannabinoids could be effective in treating a wide range of oxidization diseases, including inflammatory, autoimmune, age-related, or ischemic (restriction in blood supply leading to tissue damage, such as stroke or coronary artery disease).
With the legalization of hemp with the US Farm Bill in 2018, the door to researching the best CBD oil has been thrown wide open, and we are only at the beginning of discovering the molecular characteristics of cannabinoids. We have discovered that full spectrum, whole plant CBD works more powerfully than isolate. Called the entourage effect, this plant power comes from the wisdom of Mother Nature’s design, where all the compounds in the plant work in synergy to enhance each other. We would not be surprised if future research finds that different plants further the entourage effect, just as we’ve seen with certain foods increasing CBD absorption, as well as CBD helping to boost tryptophan. In our formulation of the best CBD oil, we included terpenes, essential oils, and vitamins that have all been discovered to be antioxidants.
Full Spectrum CBD Oil + More Antioxidants
In our Relax line, every ingredient has been found to be an antioxidant: full spectrum CBD oil is complimented by the terpenes bisabolol, caryophyllene, and neral/citral, along with chamomile (which contains the antioxidant apigenin), ginger (with the antioxidant gingerol), and green tea (with antioxidant catechins).
Our Rest line too contains antioxidants in every ingredient, with full spectrum CBD oil enhanced with the terpenes linalool and eucalyptol. Kava is in the formulation, with kavalactone working to activate many downstream antioxidation genes and preventing cell death. Melatonin too has antioxidant effects, working as a free radical scavenger that specifically prevents tissue damage and blocks inflammation. It has been shown to inhibit degenerative changes in neurons linked to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, as well as minimizing damage to DNA by free radicals that could cause cancer.
As well, every ingredient in our Revive line has antioxidant effects. We combined full spectrum CBD oil with the antioxidant-rich orange oil, sage, ginseng, as well as the terpenes limonene, pinene, and humulene. The cherry on top is Vitamin B12, whose antioxidant qualities have been shown to protect oxidative stress from an immune system response.
Our formulations were thoughtfully and meticulously created with your wellness in mind.We are excited for what research will continue unveil in the best CBD oil and how Mother Nature;s entourage works in our bodies.Like you, we believe Mother Nature is our greatest
Is CBD the New Vitamin C for Big Corporations?
An article from BNN Bloomberg reported that, Biome Grow Inc. is tying up a deal to source more than 80,000 kilograms of cannabidiol (CBD) over the next five years, in what the company calls one of the biggest such deals for a cannabis extract.
Biome Grow will obtain the extract from CBD Acres Manufacturer Inc., a cannabis producer that has contracted 4,500 acres across Canada to grow hemp - the plant that the cannabis extract is derived from - under a memorandum of understanding between the two companies.
“This is going to be the new Vitamin C,” Biome Grow chief executive officer Khurram Malik said in a phone interview. “With all these plans announced to insert CBD as a value-added nutrient in your products, we anticipate the CBD market could be bigger than recreational cannabis.”
Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed but Malik said the company is paying CBD Acres “less than half” the market rate of $15,000 per kilogram of CBD. Malik said Biome Grow will obtain 3,000 kilograms of CBD this year, and up to 20,000 kilograms over the next four years.
Hemp is a cannabis-related plant that doesn’t contain the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) compound that gets users high. It also contains higher concentrations of CBD, which is believed to alleviate a range of issues including inflammation, anxiety, and insomnia.
The plant was recently legalized for commercial production in the U.S. under the latest Farm Bill legislation and may be further popularized if the World Health Organization decides to strike it from its list of drugs it deems the most dangerous.
Although initial consumer sales of CBD products in the U.S. are estimated to be roughly US$350 million in 2017, cannabis industry research firm Brightfield Group estimates the global hemp-derived CBD market will become a $22 billion market by 2022. Ottawa-based LiveWell Canada Inc. announced similar major CBD agreements last year including selling 39,000 kilograms of its CBD oil over a 15-month period to Global Wellness Distributors LLC. and a separate agreement with Tilray Inc. to sell them 2,700 kilograms of hemp-derived CBD isolate.
Malik said CBD Acres will begin growing outdoor hemp plants at its contracted farmland facilities this year and that it will be harvested and refined using custom-built equipment. The CBD extract will then be used in tinctures, pills, vape pens later this year and - when it becomes legal - topical products such as creams, Malik added.
“Our expectations are that in the second half of this year, we’d be in a position to create these products when the new regulations are passed later this year,” Malik said.
Malik noted Biome Grow will focus its CBD sales in markets such as Africa and Asia that have yet to fully regulate cannabis derivatives for medical purposes.
Once it can convince those markets of the benefits of CBD products, he hopes the regulations can be expanded to include more medical cannabis products that include THC.
“With CBD, we’ll start with specific diseases that are easy to explain and then work from there,” he added.
Biome Grow and CBD Acres also share a common shareholder: Jacob Capital Management Inc. Malik, who is also head of research at Jacob Capital, said there isn’t a conflict between the two companies given the service-type nature of the arrangement although both can be considered a “related party” to each other.
Key Takeaways for this Blog
Big corporations are taking on producing huge amounts of CBD, studies are showing CBD itself has more antioxidants than Vitamin C & E, Governments have patents for CBD, and the UK is already showing an explosion in growth.
What will CBD look like in 10 years? Based on the findings in this Blog report, it seems to be a massive sleeping giant that is beginning to awaken.
If you want any more info on CBD or considering in exploring CBD products for your health and wellness, please reach out to TAYCO FARMS via email or phone, and you can visit our website for more educational blogs on CBD.