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Product Info
•    Strain: Ghost Train Haze
•    CBD: 21%
•    <0.3% THC





Ghost Train Haze is a Sativa that grows dense buds blanketed in white, crystal-capped trichomes. With a sour citrus and floral aroma, Ghost Train Haze delivers a knock-out pain, depression, and appetite loss, but consumers prone to anxiety should steer clear of this heavy hitter. Low doses are conducive to concentration and creativity, but you may notice some cerebral haziness as you smoke more.

Contains <0.3% THC


How to use:

Before you start, take time to bring the flower up to your nose and appreciate the aroma of the natural flower. Next, you can break up the flower using your fingers, scissors, or grinder to make smoking manageable. Then, you can use your choice of a water bowl, hemp paper joint, or any other creative device to bring the flower to a moderate burn and inhale. 


TayCo Farms grows the highest quality bud for the optimal smoking experience.  Our selection ranges from premium indoor-grown to exotic flower all grown right here on our farm in Dayton, Texas by our own hands.



This product contains <0.3% THC and is in full compliance with the Farm Bill of 2018. The FDA has not evaluated this product for safety of efficacy. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Ghost Train Haze

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